Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Josephine Baker- Series based on missionary work

Josephine Baker

Josephine Baker


The final project for my Concept &Metaphors (Illustration 2) class. Create a series of 3 images for one of the given topics below. The topic I choose was a "Series based on missionary work"

I choose Josephine Baker, an African-American entertainer and actress.

This series shows Josephine the Actress, Josephine the Solider, Josephine the Adopted Mother.

I guess with these I was trying to get away from my sketchy style of drawing, kinda worked.


mjadedat said...

some of your best illustration works..loving the harlem renaissance theme in your work!

Francesca said...

These are beautiful. I like how, although the series have stylistic similarities, there are stylistic differences for each piece. The military one especially (which also is the furthest removed from your sketchy style. I like your sketchy work too. It would be interesting to see more of those solid blocks of color mixed with sketchy.